Content Strategy

Content Strategy

Content strategy serves as the intersection where content creation, distribution, and business objectives converge. It is complemented by content marketing, a more detailed plan focused on generating, publishing, and disseminating tangible media under a brand.

Consider content strategy as the comprehensive blueprint, outlining the overall plan, while content marketing represents the individual journey toward achieving brand success.

A robust content strategy:

  • Identifies genuine pain points for your audience.
  • Prioritizes content that attracts, engages, and strategically converts readers into the next phase of your funnel.
  • Is competitive, assessing the content gap and primary differentiators between your brand and competitors.
  • Is defensive, benchmarking your content against your competition.

Determining the content format and the channels for distribution are critical decisions. Your content's format significantly impacts how your audience perceives it. The choice between a feel-good 30-second video and a comprehensive article can greatly influence viewership.

Content formats vary, including infographics, blog posts, and videos. Once topics are selected, choosing the best format within budget constraints becomes crucial.

Distribution channels are equally vital. While content may be king, distribution acts as its queen, ensuring your audience can discover your content. Channels include owned properties like your website and social media, as well as "rented" channels such as driving traffic through Facebook Ads.

The content creation process is the next step. Establish a detailed roadmap, defining responsibilities, publication locations, and go-live timelines. Develop internal processes for hiring, firing, and ensuring a smooth journey from content idea to the live product.

Content strategy should commence with a clear business objective. Content strategy agencies focus on understanding their client's objectives and developing strategies to achieve them. Employing SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Based) is recommended for setting clear content objectives.

Examples of SMART content objectives:

  • Increase organic traffic to landing pages by 200% by April 2022.
  • Attain a position among the first three results in SERPs for specific keywords by December 2020.
  • Achieve a 50% increase in revenue by January 2023.


Avoiding common content mistakes is crucial:

  • Avoid a quantity-over-quality mindset.
  • Move beyond merely being "in the conversation" to having a purpose-driven content strategy.
  • Tailor content to various stages of the buyer's journey for maximum impact.

In conclusion, content is a means to achieve business goals. Content creation determines whether your approach is a well-crafted masterpiece or a lackluster vehicle that struggles to gain attention.